November 21, 2011

2 Baby it's Cold Outside

Our first snow that stuck. Kenzie was so excited. She kept pointing to it and saying, "snow!"

I'm actually on track to make everyone's Christmas presents this year! 

 I used this rose pattern, but made it a little smaller so it wasn't quite as puffy. And I found this pattern for crochet ear warmers. I made them a little bigger and am really happy I did. They cover the ears better and keep your head a little warmer. Now if I could just get Kenzie to keep it on...
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  1. She is so stinking adorable! I hope I get to meet her some time.

    Those headbands are so cute, I'm excited to learn how to do those after I master actually crocheting the right way haha

  2. Super Cute! I wish I had a reason to wear one of those! I think if it gets in the 50's that constitutes wearing beanies and cute crocheted headbands:)
