June 14, 2013

We've Moved!

We recently moved to Salt Lake City and are loving our new location. We are currently working on painting, unpacking, and slowly putting our home together. It's a process that I really would love to share with you. But for now, here are some photos of our fun time at Liberty Park the other day. 
⇑Liberty Park Canyons with my boys
⇑This boy is game for any adventure, as long as it involves a chew toy.
⇑Kenzie does not like splash pads that have really high fountains, so the Canyons is a great place for her to play in the water without getting it in her face. 

We love spending time as a family. We are excited for "real life" to start after being in school for so long. I have a few crochet projects to share with you, but I usually don't do a lot of crocheting in the summer time. Summer is my favorite season. We're all looking forward to road trips  swimming, shaved ice, barbecues, rodeos, carnivals, sunsets, lemonade, baseball, and family.

1 comment:

  1. Your kids are getting so big! And your photos look great!! When are you going to be in AZ next?? We should do a craft night or something!
