June 20, 2013

Soccer Mom

So excited to wear her new soccer ball shirt
He clapped for the first time at her soccer game. Sister's #1 fan.
The sidelines were not safe. 
Refueling on brother's snacks.

When Nick and I were dating we loved to talk. We would stay up well past curfew having talk-a-thons. One of those conversations was about our future kids. And how we would put them in soccer. So this past Tuesday when Kenzie had her first soccer game, I was thinking how crazy fast three or so years goes by. Sometimes this world seems so surreal. I try to take a step back and take in these moments, these memories. I love, love, love memories. I love trying new things, going on adventures, spending time with my little family, and capturing those memories in pictures and journals. I want to give my kids every opportunity to try whatever they want and to be whatever they want. I hope that they get to experience all the happy adventures this world has to offer them, just like my parents did for me. And for all I know, she is going to be the greatest soccer player in the world.

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