July 26, 2012


Do you like my new blog design?! Over the weekend Nick took care of me (I had the stomach flu for 4 days) and redesigned my blog since we didn't leave the house much. I love how it turned out!

 In other news, I'm 35 weeks and can't wait to get this baby out of me!! This morning I was awake from 2-4 this morning breathing through contractions? They weren't very strong, but I'm really hoping he comes early, in about 2 weeks.

 In the meantime, I've been sitting around crocheting newborn beanies like crazy. I have a bunch of new patterns that I'm excited to put in my shop soon. But mostly you won't hear much from me these days. I'll be sitting in my comfy chair watching netflix and trying to stay positive about how uncomfortable I am. 

It's all worth it in the end right? 


  1. Your new blog disign is great, i really like it ! But I think the picture where You are smiling was better, on this one You are too worry.
