July 5, 2012

Happy Fourth!

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. My family has been in town for the past two weeks and we've been getting spoiled! Nick and I were able to getaway for a day and night in Park City over the fourth. It was our first time leaving Kenzie girl overnight, and it was so nice! We ate dinner without a little squirmer next to us, and we went shopping without a stroller. My favorite part was sleeping 10 hours and blasting the air conditioning all night long! It was heavenly. 

It felt weird not to have Kenzie around, but it definitely was a nice break from her. It was nice to getaway from my everyday routine and to miss Kenzie! 

We got home in time to watch fireworks from across the street on a hill. We waited about 2 hours for The Stadium of Fire fireworks to start, and they only lasted about 20 minutes...but the best part was we walked across the street to get home and didn't get stuck in all the traffic.

I hope everyone had a great Fourth of July!  

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