May 4, 2012

A Pregnancy Update

Tomorrow we head to Arizona and Mexico for a week. Wish us luck driving 10 hours with a two year old! I plan on crocheting the whole way. And I'm probably going to need a nice long massage by the end of it since the pregnancy aches and pains have made their  rude appearance. 

I have back labor every night for a couple of hours. It's the worst. The only thing that helps is a hot bath or heating pad. And all my nerves just decided to hate me. I'm definitely not looking forward to the coming months when this belly of mine starts getting even bigger. I'm entering the sit-in-my-comfy-chair-and-do nothing-all-day phase of pregnancy.

On a happier note, I got some fun packages in the mail today to add to my maternity wardrobe. Big, light, stretchy clothes are my favorite right now.

Also, I hope to have a bunch of patterns and tutorials up soon after our trip, so stay tuned.

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