May 16, 2012

Arizona and Mexico: Part III

One of my favorite days in Mexico was Mother's Day, which is celebrated on the 10th in Mexico. It was our last night there so we went to The Point, a restaurant on a pier over the ocean, and had the perfect view of the sunset. Great view, great food, great company. The perfect end to our trip. We also went to a little aquarium, where the sea turtles and the seal were the highlights. 

Now it's back to real life. Which means laying around most of the day still because I forgot how not fun the third trimester is!


  1. Fun! Our family has done that acquarium a couple times too. It's a funny/quirky place. :)

    You look darling! I really like that polka dot dress you're wearing in the post below!

  2. So fun! You look so cute Andrea! One of these days we'll have to come with you guys!

  3. THE SEAL IS TERRIFYING! I can't wait to take Henry there sometime. The pictures are all gorgeous. I"m so sorry you're in the third trimester now...I know how terrible that can be! Don't worry though, life gets easier after the baby is born.
