February 20, 2012

Big Announcement!

I'm pregnant! We're expecting our second little one August 31, 2012. I'm 12 weeks and feeling awesome, unlike the last time around. We're so excited. And I especially can't wait to be 9 months pregnant in the dead of summer!

I've been craving all things sour—Sour Patch Kids, lemons, Skittles, grapefruit, etc.as well as hot dogs (eww, I know), chips and salsa, fruit roll-ups, and tangerine Altoids (which they don't make anymore!). Please tell me someone has a stash hidden from middle school that they will give to me. 

Kenzie gives my belly lots of kisses and is so excited to be a big sister. She and the baby will be 2 years and 4 months apart. We all think I'm having a boy because I haven't been sick at all and I've been craving sour things, but who knows? We find out in a month or so. 


  1. That's super exciting. Congratulations. On a side note I love that your bookshelf is organized by color! :) Babies are so fun!!

  2. Congrats, Andrea! You're adorable! Two years & four months apart sounds perfect to me!

  3. Congratulations!! You look gorgeous in this pics and so happy! Hope it's a smooth pregnancy.. my Mum's a big believer than if your not sick at the start it's a boy.. so looks like there's a few supporters of that myth!

  4. Yaaaay!!! That is so wonderful and exciting. We're actually pregnant at the same time. Congratulations again!

  5. You have to be further along than that, because I know girls that are due in Sept and already know what they're having! I'm so excited for you and so glad that you're feeling well! That sure helps when you have someone else to look after. You look beautiful Andre!

  6. Congrats girl!!! That is exciting, how fun. And you look fantastic!! :) Good luck with everything!

  7. Congrats Andrea!!! I'm so excited for you :) All I can say is lots of cold showers, ice cream and air conditioning... being pregnant throughout the summer gets HOT! But, I still loved it, even if my husband felt he was freezing at night with the AC on full blast :)

  8. That is SO exciting! Congratulations! Can't wait to see some lovely baby inspired crocheting! :-)

  9. YOU ARE SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!! And Congrats and good luck! You can do it!

  10. P.S. Your books in rainbow order!?!? How cute.

  11. oh my goodness!! Congrats Andrea!! So happy for you. And how awesome that you feel better with this pregnancy! love your rainbow books :)

    The House of Shoes

  12. Congrats!!! You are just too cute!!! I craved sweets my last pregnancy, let's see what happens next time I get preggers. Maybe I'll be that crazy pregnant mom who craves only healthy stuff like veggies & salads. I wish. lol. If you get the chance, pass by my blog & say HI! :)
    Glamour Glory

  13. How exciting! That is actually my birthday too! Congratulations!
